S37E11 – Our Starting Offer Is…
Episode 11 – Out Offer is…
anyway, here’s the first, just to redeem Davie’s rep
Christian: a
*jogs once*
Super Christian
“should we check on Mike for the vote? he must be wanting to flip”
Dizzy Christian
Now that was a blindside
“Davie’s drunk…Davie’s drunk”
Who did it better?
Girls Dinging – they should’ve noticed the girls alliance by this
Girls Dinging – Extended Version feat. The Godfather
*Single leaf falls from a tree*
Alec shaved
Wrestling hangloose
Gabby, The Godmother
Kara looking at the cameraman
Angelina is a professional decoy vote
Things you say when you don’t have all the power in the world
When I’m almost passing out but it’s open bar
That landing tho
Angelina has no mercy when it comes to negotiation, Natalie would be proud, she’s in sales
When you have no shot at reward and you want everyone to drown
Nick diving in too hard
My boy
Christian can’t wink
I caption what I hear
Me telling my chidhood traumas to my Tinder date after one beer
So close
Check your pulse after you vote out your closest ally
Is Christian the island therapist or something? Everyone cires on his shoulder
10th voted out: Carl, because in one (2) episode we lost Alecson, Mason-Dixon and Carlvie
When your island hubby is back and now a guaranteed million dollar vote for you
Angelina training her blindside face
“Aubry should have won”
Me diving into Survivor Wednesday
That’s it for this episode guys, tune in here next week for more! (I don’t want this season to end aaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
Next time on…Survivor: Black Widow Brigade 2.0 – Attempt #85
Uncaptioned treasures: