S37E14 – Jabeni Means Winner
So, here we are for the last time this season! What a great season and it is hard to say goodbye, so I’m gonna do it in infinite loop! Here are the GIFS of the Finale of David vs Goliath! Enjoy my dudes!!!

Finale PART 1 – Can We Have Cake First?
10000000 feet on the wall

Jeff pushing Alison’s suicide mode

A very underrated moment – Angelina carrying a fucking ladder through the woods

Two cuties

Pet peeves: […] Oh, and calling me Davey or Dave instead of Davie, my momma named me that!


Alison fell asleep while Jeff gave challenge instructions

The Wine Dance

I love my Final 6

When David vs Goliath is over and I want more of it

The Nick-Angelina alliance is pop perfection

Gimme some blue Lyrsa

By day 37 Mike was out of fucks to give

Alison looking for an idol that’s not fake

Smile, this could be my profile pic

When I realize it’s sunday night and not finale GIFS released yet

There are two kinds of people

Thumbs up!

Alison after no reward ever

Angelina – Where’s My Clue?

Angelina – Where’s My Clue? (Short Version)

Angelina – Where’s My Clue? (Extended Version)

Jabeni cheers

Davie went home classy

F6 pulse check


Whenever someone call me for anything

63 pieces puzzle bro

Get you someone who looks at you the way Nick looks at the cake

When you’re going at the spaghetti and you remember how’s your jury management

The jury was looking awesome at the finale

When I heard S38 was having another island twist

Alison: *takes a leaf from a tree*
Nick and Angelina:

When Jeff sees a social player


That was an impressive win for my boy Nick

…and an impressive Idol find for my girl Angelina

Ellen Degeneres looking great on the Live Finale

And the Emmy goes to…

Juror Christian

About life

Alison while Angelina says anything ever

Biggest foreshadowing of the episode

When they ask you what’s the best newbie season

Mike Wine – A Compilation

Mike Wine – Split

13th voted out – Devilish Davie!

PART 2 – She Will Win!

Again and again and again

Angelina explaining why Mike and Nick should HELP her with the jury

Kara talking about Nick

A second before Mike go full asshole on Tribal



Bald Mike

When Jeff sees a female social player ready to sway the jury at FTC

Quando eu vejo um corno

I mean, if you’re a villain do it right, do it the Angelina way!

And the Golden Globe goes to…

Eu vou aparar pela rabiola

Reaction to the fake idol

Kara watching Angelina speak

That hair tho

Mike was not up for acting on the island

Mad juror Gabby

This is the Jeff Probst effect

Go ahead grim reaper, snuff my torch the way only you know how

Queen of balance


When you know how the votes are going


Kara Kay and a Key, Kara Key

Let me shake this maybe it will open

Juror Carl

14th voted out: Bye Alison!! The girl who got screwed by the edit and got revenge by becomign the social media star of the season!

PART 3 – High Five
A very happy jury

Nick’s brain: don’t do the jumpy dance

Angelina getting emotional after she knew she was getting dragged to the end

How disappointing was when Supergirl went home walking instead of flying?

again and again and again

Angelina asking for the balls to not drop

Alec rooting for his insland wifey on the FMC

Mike White having a stroke on TV

Fist bump with the showrunner is essential

Dude wyd

Mike defeating Supergirl


Flippers don’t get a high five from Nick

“F4? Fuck what am I doing”

Angelina and Nick very concentrated

The moment Kara knew she was going home


Still smiling

Who wants to sit on daddy’s millionaire lap?

Eliminated: Kara Kay aKa Supergirl, you delivered good Edgic discussions this season and certainly some #blindsides on the forums!
PART 4 – #JabeniMeansWinner
I didn’t believe Jeff when he said this was an awesome season and turns out it’s my fave newbie of all time

Michael Myers before going out to stab someone to death

It’s Stripvivor!

Dan is the first player to fall on their way to the voting booth, game changer!

Why was Alec wearing a helmet?

Let’s see how everyone voted and why is Dixon’s vote written MIKE?

I love my Final 3

And my jury

Greatest alliance of all time

“voting blocs”, “fluid gameplay”

Walk, walk fashion baby, work it move that bitch crazy

Dramatic villain moment

Who cares about the million I want the buzz

Jabeni cheers!

When you have an EPIC season with all 13 episodes being extremely entertaining, an amazing winner and unique character after 18 years of the show

Gabby’s last appearence on Survivor was crying

The way Jeff looks at the alpha male of the cast is so pure

He did not see that coming

The exact moment Jeff became a transginger

“I could’ve died!”

Grisel!!! It’s time for Blood vs Water 3, Jeff!

Random yesses

Kara reading right through you


The winner of David vs Goliath: Nick WINson!!!

The F3 of David vs Goliath
Nick: one of the best winners ever! A legend who got into the group of players who won without ever getting a vote casted against them!
Angelina: The most unique character of the season, one of the best female characters of all time and sure my all time favourite female!
Mike: Wine drinker and the successful celebrity in Survivor!


Random GIFS with no captions:

Here’s the final photochop of the season! Amazing cast, amazing episodes, amazing moments that provided amazing GIFS!
Hard to say goobye to this season but this is it! See you again in the off-season with Pearl Islands and Africa GIFS!!