S37E03 – Boy, You Are Mistaken!
Starting with the summary of the episode
Jeremy explaining his attitude at Tribal
Yep, Nick did that
Jeff is amost 90 and still got it
A cowboy mermaid…I don’t think she got to the bottom
Alec and the machete, a relationship
The Lauren Rimmer effect
I laughed at this more than I probably should
Shit going down and Kara just standing there like
Are you telling me the first female asian to actually have a chance to break the curse gets her knee fucked? Survivor Gods are racist!
The beginning of a Cavemen Porn
When you’re 8-years-old and your mom forgets you at school
Tribal eyeroll
Camp eyeroll
Beach eyeroll
Natalia is ALWAYS freezing
If you can’t take the heat
Gabby about to open the red sea, this season is getting way too biblical
The smile in your face when you’re about to make your shiny move
That one time Kara threw a rock so hard it went back 7 seasons
Yes Spanky, they were here!
Whenever someone disagrees with me
How about Davie throwing water on Nick’s face
A yawn is somethign contagious!
Speaking of contagious, what disease did Alison had to get placed 10 feet away from everyone?
What was Davie’s edit on the first two episodes, SFN?
I don’t think John likes connecting with people much
Angel(ina) and her shiny moment
Gabby at the shelter just chillin’ getting thrown under the bus
What were they building? I’m calling the police
He made a broom out of bamboo
Images you can hear…+ Gabby’s ass wanting some airtime
Awwn look at this psycopath face
When the person you wanted out is no longer getting voted out and still out there hunting your ass
Carl watching the nerds made my day better
He never left the island!
Me trying to see the car plate of my uber because I don’t know what a Ford Fusion is
Finally a decent handshake!
Famous last words of an early boot…don’t let it happen, HEAL THE BI
When it rains and you’re outside, are you a Jeremy or an Alison?
I swear to God I have done this GIF before
The Official Survivor Lesbian-Looking Male Race
John coming out of the water after a waterdump
Bi with a black market smartphone
Lyrsa about to murder the nerds
Mike wanting to die
Killer Bee just chillin’ on daddy’s lap
Yeah, we all would
When they know you know they know you got the idol
When your knee is fucked and you’re out next so you hold that Immunity Idol and don’t let anyone touch it
What about her fingers? HEAL THE BI
Bro what did that rope do to you?
And that’s how the emoji movie happened
Tell me you weren’t at least a bit happy for them
Wait, WHAT?
BIGMOVEZ Ciera, it’s for you
Would You Let Madalie Soft Your Ball?
And here’s the next victim of the napalm
When you and your nerd friend finish making a homemade bomb to drop at Jeff’s island mansion
He’s about to quit
Madalie scrambling style
Happy happy Gabby
This is called emotional blackmail, and I love it
Christian is a cute psychopath bunny
Botox-Jeff Probst
Que lindo cara, que lindo
A new member for the Jenna Bowman’s No Chin Club
My favourite moment, the cocky person starts to shit their pants, two votes, two huge brilliant blindsides…what a season my dudes!
Random rain shots
That turn ala Michaela
Is John getting voted out this season?
Immunitee Dawnce (this is my british accent)
She gives that smile when the Napalm is about to drop
Angelina realising Davids got the puzzle
When the beef starts and you’re sleeping
When we ask for less idolvantages and Jeff comes up with an entire island of them
Johnny Feline
These lines are exactly how we know the swap is happening next, every.single.season.
Someone got schooled at this Tribal
Alec couldn’t believe Abi-Maria was there
No Pants Lyrsa was focused
Most memorable line in years
The second voted out was: SIDE CONVASATIONS Jeremy
Next time on…Survivor: The Swapfucked Poll is open, place you bets!
That is it for now guys, come back next thursday for more!!!